Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

1.2 Devotional

1.2 Devotional

Q Getting Started Just as your own history has shaped who you are today, and will continue to shape you, so, too, does the history of sociology shape it. Thus, you will explore when sociology came into being as social science, as well as other factors and famous individuals who have influenced it. Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to: • Apply principles of scientific investigation to gather data about the social world. • Recognize and analyze social problems and think about possible solutions. ________________________________________ Instructions 1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. 2. For this discussion assignment, please read the following assigned materials and respond to the discussion prompts to gain a deeper understanding of the major factors and people influencing sociology and to explore being a Christian in the field of sociology. 3. In your textbook, Sociology: A Christian Approach for Changing the World, read: a. Chapter 1, “The Sociological Perspective” b. Chapter 2, “Sociological Theory and Methods” c. Chapter 3, “Human Culture” 4. Download and review the following textbook PowerPoint presentations: a. Chapter 1(PowerPoint presentation) b. Chapter 2(PowerPoint presentation) c. Chapter 3(PowerPoint presentation) 5. Visit the Christian Sociological Association (CSA)(new tab) website, a forum where Christian sociologists can explore the implications of the Christian faith in their practice. • Select the “Resources” link to access the Concepts Project for valuable information concerning the integration of sociology and the Christian faith. 6. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts: . Describe in detail the impact of one of the following contributing factors on the development of sociology: i. Industrialization ii. The Scientific Revolution iii. Auguste Comte a. Consider the historical roots of sociology. What specific changes could be made to improve a properly functioning society? Provide your rationale for your response. b. Can a sociologist be a Christian? What are some faith challenges that the Christian sociologist might encounter? 7. Your initial post is due by the end of the fourth day of the workshop. It should be at least 250 words in length. 8. Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings, as well as all instructor follow-up questions directed to you, by the end of the workshop. 9. Your postings should also: . Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking. a. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas. b. Provide clarification to classmates’ questions and insight into the discussion. c. Be posted on three different days during the workshop.

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Those in need of alternative knowledge about the social world impacted the growth of the industrial revolution. Before the Industrial Revolution, people would consult the church for the answers to all knowledge. This was during the dark age. Sociology didn't come relevant until after the scientific era of the 1700's. Seeking more current issues, growth in industrialization created more challenges for small towns and their social styles. The new perspective on social problems was created from the environment of the social world. Therefore developing issues such as urban blight, homelessness, and crimes in the church or outside would have to be addressed and changed.